Several thousands years ago, a great poet sank himself into a river, as a traditional convention of Chinese folk, It became a festival of this day. In that evening, some friends called me over to a restaurant for dinner, on my way, there is a middle bridge over a river, which has six channels for automobiles. When I passed it, just on the day’s time of heavy traffic, as people finished thier works and drove home, so there were a lot of cars and kinds of vehicles on the bridge.

With a little easy mood, I leisurely walked through on the pavement of the bridge, suddenly, saw a little crab creeping on the ground, seemed that it wants to move itself from my side to another. Without any knowledge of danger, it crawled in a oblique line through the traffic road.
While I passed it for several meters, some inspiration which probably came from my soul stoped my steps, I turned back and eyed the little being, only for a while, three cars ran over its place, luckly, without hurtting it. But it still was not any hesitative, continued to crawl on its way. I could not expect it would be continuing to keep so much luck, as it’s more then 2/3 of route ahead of it to over through.
I reckoned the next car would come in one minute or more, that was a very chance, I immediately strode into the traffic channel to pick the crab up, and stepped speedly back to pavement.

The crab looks some strange from others, up to now, when I held it in my hand, I just noticed it only has four little feet, obviously, somebody broke its two chelas and it just escaped for its barely life. How shockingly to me was, as I thought I had understood why it wanted to creep to the traffic road without any hesitation, perhaps it would like to suicide itself, also perhaps it thought it’s a only way to extricate itself from its bitterness. Poor a little being, how cruel and unfair to it, human, specially in China, have been developping thier appetites, that is a purgatory to all kinds of other living beings.

Looked at the river over bridge, the water was dirty in a deep green color as pollution from city, hesitating a while, at least, I dropped the crab to the river, though I could not make sure if it could live in the water like this, but it’s a only way I could save it at this moment.
It floated on the water surface for several minutes without any moving, I was afraid it had been hurt, after a while I looked aside, it disappeared.

Then I left for freind’s dinner with same leisure steps, but fulling much thought in my mind.

